Credit nevoi personale

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

matteo - amandoi lyrics versuri


Amandoi, sclipeam atat de tare
Amandoi, in lumea asta mare
Amandoi, impreuna pana la soare
Si pe drum luam cateva stele-n buzunare

Tot ce mi-a ramas e parfumul ei pe mana
Si zambetul ei ca o amintire buna
Si parca astept sa vina cineva sa-mi spuna:
“Ce ti-ai luat-o frate! Hai ca asta a fost gluma”
Si pot s-astept, sa tot astept, s-astept pana mor
Si in loc sa mor cu ea am sa mor cu dor
Cu gandul la ea ma pierd usor in decor
Si raspund ca sunt bine,
Dar nici asta nu-mi iese bine

Si ridica o mana in aer
Ca stiu ca simti la fel
Nu te ocoleste oricat ai in portofel
Cum ne mai numim “Regi in propriul castel!”
Atata timp cat a fugit printesa din el.

Amandoi, sclipeam atat de tare
Amandoi, in lumea asta mare
Amandoi, impreuna pana la soare
Si pe drum luam cateva stele-n buzunare

Am o mie de senzatii si ganduri pe minut
Vorbesc cu toata lumea, si pe nimeni nu ascult,
Ii stiu pe dinafara si profilul de facebook
Ma tripez cand vad ca n-a postat demult…
Si mi-e dor man!
Cand ma trezeam cu ea in pat
Acum ma trezesc doar cu ea in cap
Nici macar nu-i online, online pe what’s upp
As urla de dor, dar stiu ca nu-i fac pe plac

Si ridica o mana in aer
Ca stiu ca simti la fel
Nu te ocoleste oricat ai in portofel
Cum ne mai numim “Regi in propriul castel!”
Atata timp cat a fugit printesa din el.

Stiu ca simti la fel asa ca pune o mana in aer
Inima te da de gol asa ca pune o mana in aer

Amandoi, sclipeam atat de tare
Amandoi, in lumea asta mare
Amandoi, impreuna pana la soare
Si pe drum luam cateva stele-n buzunare

marți, 25 decembrie 2012

Versuri "Zhao feat Adda - Bani din cer"

Ooooh, vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,

Când merg pe stradă și plouă cu găleata,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
O mare de bani să inunde strada,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Mă tot uit pe geam și sper,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer.

Strofa 1:
Mă întreb cum ar fi să am tot ce n-am,
Să nu-mi pese de nimic, să zbor peste ocean,
Să pun ban pe ban doar pentru că fac colecție,
Mergând în toată lumea fără nicio direcție,
Și știu că și tu ți-ai dori la fel,
Când nu bate vântul afară dar bate în portofel,
Și-ți vin fel de fel de filme fără griji,
Când vrei să visezi cu ochii deschiși,
Când vrei să visezi cu ochii deschiși,
Vrei să visezi cu ochii deschiși.


Ooooh, vreau să cadă bani din cer(2x)

Strofa 2:
Ai mei m-au învățat să mă țin de cuvânt,
Să nu mint, să nu fur, să rămân așa cum sunt,
Că dacă te lupți, o să ajungi ce vrei,
Dar să muncești, nu să stai să ceri,
Eu sunt visător, vreau totul de-a gata,
Să cadă bani din cer, să-i luăm cu lopata,
Când vin facturi, chirie... banii sunt gata,
Îl intrebi pe Busu: Când poți să faci plata?


Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh,
Vreau să cadă bani din cer,
Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh,
Vreau să cadă bani dïn cer.

Blazon OneShot feat. Click - O Cursa Lunga (versuri)

De mult nu mai inteleg
Cu noi ce se intampla
Si vreau sa stiu cu ce m-aleg
Cand totu’ pare o cursa lunga
Blazon OneShot
Si nu stiu incotro sa fug
Zilele trec si nu-mi ajung
Si nu stiu ce viata poate s-ascunda
Tot ce stiu e sa lupt pana-n ultima runda
strofa 1
Fericiti cu ce-avem , ce gandim, cine devenim
N-am uitat ce vrem sa fim si ca gresim,
Intentionat condusi de ego si platim,
Pretu’ corect si dam vina pe destin
Ca e un drum plin de curse si spini
Nu-ti face griji O s-aprinda lumini,
Fara dar si poate-ai grija cui te inchini
E ce-a ramas, ca-i totu’ fals…
Banu-i un val, ce te duce…departe de mal
Prin ape agitate, cu rechini la interval,
Pradatori, care vor confortu’ material
Si calca p-altii pe cap ca s-ajunga la mal
Ca-s inca mic si drumu-i lung
N-am uitat de unde vin si pe-unde merg s-ajung…
Inca mic si drumu-I lung, lung, lung.
Blazon OneShot
Si nu stiu incotro sa fug
Zilele trec si nu-mi ajung
Si nu stiu ce viata poate s-ascunda
Tot ce stiu e sa lupt pana-n ultima runda
strofa 2
Blazon OneShot
Ce cred yo, vreau sa iau
De la viata pana la capat nu mai vreau sa stau
Ce simt yo, vreau sa fac
Ca drumu-i lung si-s multe ce ne pun capac
La final, e un prag,
De care tre sa trec si tin aproape tot ce mi-e drag
Zilele trec, si nu stiu ce sa mai fac,
Dar stiu ca n-am timp de care sa mai trag
Si-am invatat ca viata nu se joaca la fileu
Ca nu-i mereu, ca cea de la liceu, ei
Yo n-am de gand sa pun mana pe vreun trofeu
Nu vreau decat sa pot sa cred in visul meu
Blazon OneShot
Si nu stiu incotro sa fug
Zilele trec si nu-mi ajung
Si nu stiu ce viata poate s-ascunda
Tot ce stiu e sa lupt pana-n ultima runda
eyo, tre sa crezi, tre sa simti, tre sa vibrezi!

duminică, 16 decembrie 2012

Dj Dark & Shidance ft. Da Fleiva - Vina Mea (versuri)

Poate cineva sa-mi spuna unde oare imi e dragostea
Poate imi spui tu, dar mai bine lasa-ti sufletu.

Haide spune-mi ca nu este vina ta
Stiu ca este vina mea
Invatam cei dragostea
Cat as vrea nu ma satur de ea

Lumea-mi spune ca e vina ta
Stiu ca este vina mea
Invatam cei dragostea
Cat as vrea nu ma satur de ea

O mama ... Asculta-ma te rog un pic
Astai singurul mod in care pot sa iti explic
Sentimente ce imi curg chiar acum in rime
Si oameni nevinovati suferind la fel ca tine
Nu vreau sa fac haz de necaz dar uite care e problema
Impreuna amandoi sa fim asta este tema
Nu vreau sa ma privesti ca o persoana rea
Acum stiu cu adevarat ce e dragostea

Poate cineva sa-mi spuna unde oare imi e dragostea
Poate imi spui tu, dar mai bine lasa-ti sufletu.

Haide spune-mi ca nu este vina ta
Stiu ca este vina mea
Invatam cei dragostea
Cat as vrea nu ma satur de ea

Lumea-mi spune ca e vina ta
Stiu ca este vina mea
Invatam cei dragostea
Cat as vrea nu ma satur de ea

sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012

Sonny Flame - Vin (cu versuri)

onny Flame -- Vin

Vin, vin, vin după tine a mia oară
Vin, vin, și voi veni și astă seară
Vin, vin, te rog nu mă lăsă pe afară
Vin, vin, doar o secundă ne separă

Strofa I:
Am văzut lumina aprinsă-n camera ta
Și mă întreb dacă nu cumva ești cu altcineva
S-ar putea, ca eu doar să am impresia
Și totul să se petreacă doar în mintea mea
Vreau s-o luăm de la început
De când nu te-am mai văzut multă vreme a trecut
Vreau s-o luăm de la început
Vin spre tine cu gândul să te... ascult

Refren (x2):
Vin, vin, vin după tine a mia oară
Vin, vin, și voi veni și astă seară
Vin, vin, te rog nu mă lăsa pe afară
Vin, vin, doar o secundă ne separă

Strofa II:
Cu mine te port ca pe o armă ilegală,
Letală, dar cu valoare sentimentală
Nu mai duc deloc o viață normală
Sunt în afara legii chiar dacă știu c-o să doară
Și vin spre tine cu orice preț
Nu te abandonez
Căci nu mă simt în siguranță atunci când mă trezesc

Vin, vin, vin după tine a mia oară
Vin, vin, și voi veni și astă seară
Vin, vin, te rog nu mă lăsa pe afară
Vin, vin, doar o secundă ne separă

Strofa II:
Cum se face că te vreau atât de mult
Încât aș da orice acum doar glasul tău să-l ascult
Și vreau să știi că într-o zi soarele va răsări
Și pe strada noastră când ne vom reîntâlni
Și vin agale pe drumul vieții tale
Că fără tine mă simt ca la închisoare
Și mi se pare că lumea vrea să ne separe
Dar toate se întâmplă cu-n scop, nimic nu-i la întâmplare

Refren (x2):
Vin, vin, vin după tine a mia oară
Vin, vin, și voi veni și astă seară
Vin, vin, te rog nu mă lăsa pe afară
Vin, vin, doar o secundă ne separă

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012



Oare pentru cine dimineata te trezesti

In fiecare zi incerci sa te-ntelegi si cand alegi sa gandesti
Toata lumea in jur te judeca, tinzi sa crezi ca gresesti
Nu uita, cine esti pentru multi nu mai conteaza
Tine sus cuvantul cand mergi cu vantu-n fata
Sunt altii ce cu spiritul pe culmea vietii stau de-o viata
Invata de la ei , esti o parte din aceasta armata
Cu ochii in sus si lacrimile-n suflet
Astepti ca cineva sa se opreasca sa te indrume
Tu ceri, tu dai el ia, iar n-ai
Si de pe fata ta treptat dispare orice zambet
Pana sa-ti revii tu stai cu ochii-nchisi
Nu vrei sa te ridici cand asculti tot ce-ti spun si
Pentru fiecare lucru ce apune-n viata ta
Tine capu sus, doar tu te poti schimba


Cu vantu-n fata, ai grija unde tragi

Cu vantu-n fata, ai grija unde calci
Cu vantu-n fata, ai grija daca vei scuipa
Toate se intorc impotriva ta


Cu vantun fata, cu vantu-n fata mergi

Te bucuri ca nu mai trebuie sa mai alergi
Nu stiu daca e rau, nu stiu daca e bine
Ca uneori n-alergi decat de tine
Pamantul asta e destul de mare pentru toti
De-asta nu pot sa-mi explic atatea morti
Inutile. Pentru un orgoliu
Multe familii au trebuit sa poarte doliu
Ai grija atunci cand tragi, vantul se schimba
Si poti sa iti ranesti o sora, o mama, o fiica
Nu-ti fie frica, totu-i trecutor
In viata asta- un simplu trecator
Tre sa fii in decor, tre sa iesi din decor
Onori se primesc numai eroii la televizor
In viata de zi cu zi astea sunt drame
Si nici un lucru nu-i ce pare

miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

Andeeno Damassy - Drive me crazy versuri Lyrics

Chorus (x4):
Oh boy, you drive me crazy
The way you touch me baby
You take me up and down
We're going round and round

Just one thing you should know if u play with me
I do it all, do it good, until it's complete
I don't want you to think you got me for free
Make a move, keep it smooth, smooth as it can be

Pre-chorus (x2):
Hey, hey, hey my babe
You're driving me crazy
Day after day hey
Uh la la la la

Chorus (x2)

It's love...
Me like it, hey
I feel love, you feel love
Go higher, yeah
I feel love, you feel love

Rapp (by Drei Ros):
Andeeno Damassy, you know, I got you!
Drei Ros...!!!
Her lips her smile the way she sings
It makes you wanna grab her then squeez
Strip-tease her down and then just please her
Give her a taste and stop just tease her,
Yeah I know you want it mami,
Your eyes are green or blue?
You say you drive me crazy,
Then let's ride just me and you!

Chorus (x2)

marți, 13 noiembrie 2012

Versuri "DJ Project - De ce nu esti aici"

Vreau sa ies,
Dar totu-mi pare atat de sters
Doar fete fara inteles
Iar eu, ma gandesc la tine...

Nu rezist,
Respir un aer mult prea trist
Si raze nu m-au mai atins
De cand... nu mai esti cu mine...

Eu tot mai visez
Cum imi brate-mi adormi
Si ne atingem in somn
Pe umarul tau sunt lacrimi... de inger...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Sa-mi spui cu un sarut,
Ca ma iubesti prea mult,
Sa plangem impreuna...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Cand cerul m-a uitat,
Si printre nori eu cad,
Tu sa ma prinzi de mana...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Sa-mi spui cu un sarut,
Ca ma iubesti prea mult,
Sa plangem impreuna...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Cand cerul m-a uitat,
Si printre nori eu cad,
Tu sa ma prinzi de mana...

De ce nu esti aici...?

Am obosit...
La fiecare pas te simt
In fiecare zi ma mint
Ca tu, te mai gandesti la mine...

Zile trec...
Iar stelele nu inteleg
La fiecare ceas ma inec
Cand nu, nu sunt langa tine...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Sa-mi spui cu un sarut,
Ca ma iubesti prea mult,
Sa plangem impreuna...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Cand cerul m-a uitat,
Si printre nori eu cad,
Tu sa ma prinzi de mana...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Sa-mi spui cu un sarut,
Ca ma iubesti prea mult,
Sa plangem impreuna...

De ce nu esti aici...?
Cand cerul m-a uitat,
Si printre nori eu cad,
Tu sa ma prinzi de mana...

De ce nu esti aicï...?

"Smiley feat Alex Velea si Don Baxter - Cai verzi pe pereti" Versuri

La la la la la la la..
Viata e o structura complexa concava sau convexa
Sti cand intri dar nu sti cand iesi ,
Dreapta , perversa
Ea te trateaza exact cum o tratezi
Si nu vrei deloc sa incetezi ca te doboara te ridici te enervezi
Si zambesti si continui sa speri visand la caii verzi pe pereti
La caii verzi pe pereti.. caii verzi pe pereti
La caii verzi pe pereti
La caii verzi pe pereti
La, la la.. la la la la la la la..
Sapte zile din sapte incerc sa ma feresc de rele, nu caut belele
Mama mi-a zis de mic sa ma feresc de ele
Fi fericit indiferent de vreme,
Mai bine mai tarziu decat prea devreme
fi optimist vei gasi paradisul promis ,
L-am gasit si acum privesc prea des, cai verzi pe pereti
Caii verzi pe pereti.. caii verzi pe pereti..
La la la.. la la la la la la la..
Ennie minnnie miny moe ( ini mini maini mo)
Caii mei nu sunt maro
No , no sunt verzi ca dolari
Si visez ca-i calaresc cand imi canta lautarii
Viata nu-i deloc complicata
Noi o complicam in aceasta fuga disperata
Dupa lovele, dupa putere, dupa tot ce ne creeaza o falsa placere
Ai mei imi zic mereu Baxter nu ceda..
ia-ti si tu permisul, te rog nu mai bea
Decat sa am sub capote 300 de cai fitosi
Mai bine ma las tras de 6 cai frumosi
Caii verzi pe pereti.. caii verzi pe pereti
La la la.. la la la la la la la..
Si nu vrei deloc sa incetezi ca te doboara te ridici te enervezi
Si zambesti si continui sa speri visand la caii verzi pe pereti
Visand la caii verzi pe pereti
Visand la caii verzi pe pereti pereti pereti
La la la.. la la la la la la
Visand la caii verzi pe pereti.. caii verzï pe peretï

Joanne – Today lyrics versuri

I dont know how
All the wrong things feels so right
We just know how to smile
You painted my dreams on the blue sky
Why is this going away
You cut my wings
i am on the ground
i couldn’t breathe anymore
i couldn’t find any door
Close enough to escape and be safe
You cut my wings but today
My feelings wont be the same
Cause when i need you the most
Instead of pulling me close
You were just walking away everyday

Elyss – Do you believe in love, lyrics versuri

Do you still believe in love?
Do you crazy burning love?
I slowly touch, but you got no feelings
You’ve been so distant tonight
I’m out of luck, I need you around me
Wish you could hold me so tight
My body needs you so
I’ll never let you go
Do you still believe in love?
Do you crazy burning love?
Do you still believe in love?
Do you crazy burning love?
I slowly touch, but you got no feelings
You’ve been so distant tonight
I’m out of luck, I need you around me
Wish you could hold me so tight
My body needs you so
I’ll never let you go
Do you still believe in love?
Do you crazy burning love?
Do you still believe in love?
Do you crazy burning love?
Still believe in
Believe in
Still believe in love
Still believe in
Believe in
Still believe in love

Allexinno & Starchild - Joanna lyrics versuri

Ma' name is Joanna 'oana 'oana,
Nananananana, nananananana,
And i wanna wanna wanna...
Nanananananana nanana nana.

I met my dream girl,
Oh sweet Johanna,
She's all over
All over my mind,
My little diva,
I'll pull you under,
Make your body
Surrender to mine.

Alalalala long long,
Alalalalala long long,
The way u wine your body,
Oh you are so naughty.
Alalalala long long,
Alalalalala long long,
I'll give you love,
Give my love everyday.

Ma' name is Joanna 'oana 'oana,
Nananananana, nananananana,
And i wanna wanna wanna...
Nanananananana nanana nana.

Sonny Flame - Like a Breeze (with lyrics versuri)


She's movin' like a breeze in front of me,
She got a lot of sex ability
Slow she whine...
She got me set my mind free...[*2]

Verse 1:
She's got beauty of a queen, freshness of a flower
I could smell her perfume for 24 hours,
So sexy when she's looking at me
She's the best chick that I ever seen...

I gave her my love so easily,
My friends talk bad about me
I might be wrong, but that's how I feel,
Am I too blind to see?


Verse 2:
Come whine up, whine up now senorita!
You looking just like Afrodita,
I got my mind, my mind set on ya',
That blonde hair reminds me of Stella Artois.

Gimme one more dance cos' I'll miss yuh,
Show me how you takin' it pon di table
Stand up! stand up! get inna di dance floor!
Sonny Flame a givin' yuh buckshot galore.


Verse 3:
The sky's burning, when you walk you just blaze the flame...
The same thang as yesterday, I need some rain...
You actin' like a summer heat flowin' around,
And it's too hot to breathe, help me with the sound.

I need a cold drink, I need a remedy...
I love you just like you're part of my family,
Let's have a toast together, I like Cuba Libre
"To our future guapa, we need equilibre!"


Andrew - All I Need (with lyrics versuri)


Loving you like I never loved before
I'm telling you I can't love another girl
This feeling is burning inside me
I want you to stay here beside me
I'm feeling so sad when you're sad you don't need to worry

You give me love every day
And I'm loving that
You give me love every day (x2)

All I need is love
Just give me love is what I need
All I need is love
Just give me love is what I need
It's all I need (x2)

Loving you like I never loved before
I'm telling you I can't love another girl
This feeling is burning inside me
I want you to stay here beside me
I'm feeling so sad when you're sad you don't need to worry

You give me love every day
And I'm loving that
You give me love every day (x2)

All I need is love
Just give me love is what I need
All I need is love
Just give me love is what I need
It's all I need (x2)

This feeling is burning inside me
I want you to stay here beside me
I'm feeling so sad when you're sad you don't need to worry
For you

Cause now I just fall
In love and I know
Everything I'm not regreting if you're gonna go
In time that I know ,that you are in my soul
Now I just fall, now I just fall
Cause now I just fall
In love and I know
Everything I'm not regreting if you're gonna go
In time that I know, that you are in my soul
Forever gone

Sonny Flame - Liber (cu versuri)

Nu pot să te înțeleg deloc
Ție nimic nu-ți convine
Hai să ne liniștim te rog
Promit că va fi bine
Alegi să ne certăm mereu
Nu știu cum s-o mai dreg cu tine
Cu toate astea te iubesc
Mai mult decât pe mine

N-am cum să te țin cu forța
Când spui că s-a stins torța
N-am cum să controlez ce simți
Mă scoți din minți

Vreau liber să trăiesc
Liber să gândesc
Și să mă trezesc lângă tine
Ești liberă să vezi
Liberă să crezi
Că toate au un sens lângă mine

Și chiar dacă-i da sau nu
Aș vrea să înțelegi și tu
Visele trec amintirile rămân
Aș vrea să înțelegi, să înțelegi ce-ți spun

N-am cum să te țin cu forța
Când spui că s-a stins torța
N-am cum să controlez ce simți
Mă scoți din minți

Vreau liber să trăiesc
Liber să gândesc
Și să mă trezesc lângă tine
Ești liberă să vezi
Liberă să crezi
Că toate au un sens lângă mine

Nu am loc în pat nu pot deloc să adorm
Când zorile vin mă gândesc doar la tine
De-i noapte sau zi eu tot aștept să vii
Atunci ai plecat cu o parte din mine

N-am cum să te țin cu forța
Când spui că s-a stins torța
N-am cum să controlez ce simți
Mă scoți din minți

Vreau liber să trăiesc
Liber să gândesc
Și să mă trezesc lângă tine
Ești liberă să vezi
Liberă să crezi
Că toate au un sens lângă mine

Sonny Flame - It's My Life Lyrics versuri


It's my life, stand not in my way,
Not in my way,
'cuz it's my life
My life, stand not in my way...


Can't stop my flow when I'm rippin' up the microphone
I'm in the mood to spit it, ready to rock this club
Always up inna di place to be, I'm in the front line,
Baby just get on the dancefloor
Get it on, get in, get it it on!
Don't stop till you get enough, gimme some more!
It's been a while since I've been on a track, so
Come on, come on! I like it like that.


Rock don't stop, keep rockin' to the top!
You better rock don't stop, keep on rockin'


Listen I got nothing to lose,'cuz I got nothing to choose..
That's why I wanna live my life in my dancing shoes
Nobody can stop me, as a matter of fact I'm so bad,
Because I know where I can be, and I'm so glad.

Sonny Flame - Lady (with lyrics versuri)

Come on, come on, just answer the phone!
Oh yeah, I know you hear me
Oh yeah, I just wanna talk to you baby
How come you don't pick up the phone

Lady you know you`re breaking my heart
Lady I feel I`m fallin apart
Lady you play me like a fool
Oh! oh! Sometimes love is so cruel

Brown skin like chocolate
Blue eyes like the summer sky
Sweet voice of an angel
Whisper from above
Let me make you happy
I'll fight for you 'til the day I die
Don't treat me like a stranger
On 'n on 'n on

Lady you know you`re breaking my heart
Lady I feel I`m fallin apart
Lady you play me like a fool
Oh! oh! Sometimes love is so cruel

Answer the phone
Answer the phone
Answer the phone
I wanna fall asleep in your arms

I sit here and I remember
The time we spent together all those nights
I wish you'd be here now
To hold you in my arms
Come back 'n let me love you
No one treats you like I do
Show me the way to your heart
Don't say no, no

Lady you know you`re breaking my heart
Lady I feel I`m fallin apart
Lady you play me like a fool
Oh! oh! Sometimes love is so cruel

Lady you know you`re breaking my heart
Lady I feel I`m fallin apart
Lady you play me like a fool
Oh! oh! Sometimes love is so cruel

Answer the phone
I really wanna hug you

Sonny Flame - Woman (with lyrics versuri)

Show me what you gonna do
I feel your body
Show me that you really want me to be your daddy
Stay by my side into the light
I'm in love when you're dancing, dancing

Chorus (x2):
Woman you're so sexy, move it!
Whine up, whine up, let's do it!
Shake your body line
Don't stop, don't stop, just whine up!

Come stand up, get on the line, cuz imma
Big baller me give yuh di light I wanna
Hold you cuz yuh looking divine mi gonna
Test yuh while ya bubbling pon di corner
I've been so lonely all this time
I need your love cuz you're so fine
Deh pon mi mind yuh haffi shine
My baby please show me a sign

Show me what you gonna do
I feel your body
Show me that you really want me to be your daddy
Stay by my side into the light
I'm in love when you're dancing, dancing

Come stand up, get on the line, cuz imma
Big baller me give yuh di light I wanna
Hold you cuz yuh looking divine mi gonna
Test yuh while ya bubbling pon di corner
I've been so lonely all this time
I need your love cuz you're so fine
Deh pon mi mind yuh haffi shine
My baby please show me a sign

Chorus (x2):
Woman you're so sexy, move it!
Whine up, whine up, let's do it!
Shake your body line
Don't stop, don't stop, just whine up!

Show me what you gonna do
I feel your body
Show me that you really want me to be your daddy
Stay by my side into the light
I'm in love when you're dancing, dancing

Feel your body
Be your daddy
Into the light
I'm in love when you're dancing, dancing

Chorus (x2):
Woman you're so sexy, move it!
Whine up, whine up, let's do it!
Shake your body line
Don't stop, don't stop, just whine up!

Don't stop, don't stop, just whine up!

Xonia - Remember (with lyrics versuri)


Can you say, do you know
When she was telling lies
Do you remember when
Lily was here that night
Every kiss, every touch, every single day
She was there but you pushed her away
Look around and you'll find her in your heart


Love is more than just a game
In the night she keeps calling your name
Listen, she cries
Every moment that you shared
How she cared, way she stared in your eyes
And now she cries


Can you say, do you know
When she was telling lies
Do you remember when
Lily was here that night
Every kiss, every touch, every single day
She was there but you pushed her away
Look around and you'll find her in your heart


Love is more than just a game
In the night she keeps calling your name
Listen, she cries
Every moment that you shared
How she cared, way she stared in your eyes
And now she cries



And now she cries

Sonny Flame - Boom Boom Room feat. Kenno (with lyrics versuri)

You got the keys
You turn me on

You got the keys
To my boom boom room, boom boom room
You turn me on
In my boom boom room, boom boom room

Verse 1:
Well imma ready my pretty lady
Mi luv ya style mi luv di way yuh drive me crazy
I wanna do yuh, yuh wanna do me
Let's make it wild, I am a bedroom bully
Till a morning light, man a pum pum killah
Man a real raggamuffin mi no play lambada
Better know if you are ready mi a ready fi sure
Sonny Flame a comin' through mi never play number two

I know that! You know that! You are looking so fine!
I know that! You know that! We'll make it all night!

You got the keys
To my boom boom room, boom boom room
You turn me on
In my boom boom room, boom boom room
You got the keys
To my boom boom room, boom boom room
You turn me on
In my boom boom room, boom boom room

Verse 2:
Come inna mi bed, wanna give yuh so bad
Make your body sweat, mi no pum pum liar
Let me pull your hair when mi buckshot pon yuh
Wicked positions we always try something new
Boom shaka boom glamity pon fyah
Mi di ruffest toughest gallis from outta Romania
Gimme ah! Ahh! Shake your booty don't stop!
Till you cum baby girl, come whine it faster

I know that! You know that! You are looking so fine!
I know that! You know that! We'll make it all night!

You got the keys
To my boom boom room, boom boom room
You turn me on
In my boom boom room, boom boom room
You got the keys
To my boom boom room, boom boom room
You turn me on
In my boom boom room, boom boom room

Verse 3:
Get down when I come inside baby
You've been alone till I came inna di boom boom room
You di hottest gal let me luv ya
Let's get lost in our dreams right ya noh
Show me how ya bubbling, jiggle it, spit on it, gag on it
Yuh know what I like so do your job in the boom boom room
Scream as loud as you can baby
Scream as long as you want babe

Alessia - Ale Kumaye (with lyrics versuri)

Come on, come on closer
And turn the lights off
Put your arms around me
We gonna make love
Come on, come on closer
I need you tonight
Put your arms around me

We gonna make
Love, love, love
We gonna make
Love, love, love
We gonna make
Love, love, love
We gonna make
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
You know, I need you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
You know, I need you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
Oooo, oooo
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
Oooo, oooo
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby

Akumakumaye, akumakumaye,
Akumakumaye, kumakumakumaye
You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby

You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
Oooo, oooo
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
Oooo, oooo
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
Come on, come on
We turn the lights of
Come on, come on
We gonna make love
Come on, come on
We turn the lights of
Come on, come on

We gonna make love
Love , love, love
We gonna make love
Love , love, love
We gonna make love
Love , love, love
You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby
You know, I want you
Ale, Ale kumaye
Come on, be my baby

Sonny Flame - Get In My Bed (with lyrics versuri)

Chorus (x2):
Just get in my bed,
Just get in my bed baby!
Cuz I want you bad,
Cuz I want you bad baby!
Come on, get wild, get naughty!
I want your sexy body
Low! Low! Low! Low!
You better wind it!

Verse 1:
Burn it up, don't get it twisted
Sonny Flame is back in the business
Turn di lights on
Put the MIC on
Follow me, follow me,
follow me inna di zone, ah!
Get on the floor
If you wanna behold this sensation
I bring the flow to the clubs
To the radio stations
Boom shock attack straight up pon ya face
Sonny Flame's killin' the MIC to win the race
Bounce along till a di morning light
Di man called Chucho a bring di vibe
Music it's my mission
It comes from my soul, my people a di destination
Get mad! Get mad!
Don't forget to get mad!

Just get in my bed,
Just get in my bed baby!
Cuz I want you bad, cuz I want you bad baby!
Come on, get wild, get naughty!
I want your sexy body
Low! Low! Low! Low!
You better wind it!

Verse 2:
Hot body gyal, yuh a di one
Shake up yuh boobs and move dem around
This is your round, bring up the sound
Murder di dancefloor, fly off the ground
Mi love di way you whine it, all over me girl!
Mi love di way you grind it, come into my world!
Boom shock attack straight up pon ya face
Sonny Flame's killin the MIC to win the race
Bounce along till a di morning light
Di man called Chucho a bring di vibe
Music it's my mission
It comes from my soul my people a di destination
Get mad! Get mad!
Don't forget to get mad!

Just get in my bed,
Just get in my bed baby!
Cuz I want you bad, cuz I want you bad baby!
Come on, get wild, get naughty!
I want your sexy body
Low! Low! Low! Low!
You better wind it!

Bridge (x2):
I've been searching for you when you were not around
I've been searching for you all my life

I'll get in your bed,
I'll get in your bed baby!
Cuz I want you bad,
Cuz I want you bad baby!
Come on, get wild, get naughty!
I love your sexy body
Low! Low! Low! Low!
You better wind it!

Chorus (x2):
Just get in my bed,
Just get in my bed baby!
Cuz I want you bad, cuz I want you bad baby!
Come on, get wild, get naughty!
I want your sexy body
Low! Low! Low! Low!
You better wind it!

Sonny Flame - Another Day (with lyrics versuri)

This is real, hmm, it's just what I feel, it's real life...
Listen up, listen up! Listen up, listen up! Yeahh, uooh!

If I'll never see tomorrow
Tell me God why should I fight against today! Eeh!
I'll be needing another day
Because I still don't know what you want me to do right over here
Let me stay, let me stay!

Verse 1:
I'm 25 now and I realised that I was born
To work hard for everything that I earned, here's what I learned:
To wait for my turn untill my time comes up
To keep my faith no matter how tight I'm locked
I'm looking back in tha days and I see a child dreaming
Rapping about his pain, tryna forget about that feeling
So hard for his brain, because this world got insane
His mother passed away and father's always away
This ain't no story, this is real, so pay attention!
He grew up in street gangs with no love and affection
And nobody gave a f*ck about him and his life's direction
God was the only one who gave him the right protection

If I'll never see tomorrow
Tell me God why should I fight against today! Eeh!
I'll be needing another day
Because I still don't know what you want me to do right over here
Let me stay, let me stay!

Verse 2:
I know it's hard to believe, but it's been like 12 years
Since he started on this music business, it's clear
That it's so dirty out there, and that's why he's still down
And that's the reason he wanna prove to them that he ain't no clown
That he was born to shine, that he deserves the crown
Children on the streets screaming: Sonny Flame the best around!
He gotta find a way to make them proud one day
This game became so rough that he gotta fight like Cassius Clay
He's not the same anymore, he can't stay in the rain no more
He's up to break the chain and catch the train this time for sure
And after all this pain he's been through the sun will rise
I hope I didn't write in vain, you should open your eyes!

If I'll never see tomorrow
Tell me God why should I fight against today! Eeh!
I'll be needing another day
Because I still don't know what you want me to do right over here
Let me stay, let me stay!

DJ Frankie - Broken Wings (with lyrics versuri)

Broken wings they sting when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain

Here is my problem baby
You don't love me baby
Way i walk, way i talk
You don't know me baby
I'm so over you
I'm no one's merry go round and round
Around and round
There's a problem baby
I don't love you baby
Way you walk, way you talk
I don't know you baby
I'm so over you
And I'm not playing around with you
Around with you

Broken wings they sting when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain
Broken wings they sting when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain

There's a problem baby
I don't love you baby
Way you walk, way you talk
I don't know you baby
I'm so over you
And I'm not playing around with you
Around with you

Broken wings they sting when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain

You've gotta let it go
You've gotta let it go
You've gotta let it go

Broken wings they sting, when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain
Broken wings they sting when you fall
But nothing is in vain
I'm free from all the chains
I'm ready for more rain

Sonny Flame - Miami Day (lyrics / versuri)

Tell me, tell me, how you feel
When you wake up next to me
In sunny November
Tell me, tell me, that it's true
Here and now I'm next to you
Can love be forever?

I gave you all I had
I showed you good and bad
I know you're still just loving my way
You chase my fears away
You want me everyday
You're sunny like a Miami day

Tell me, tell me, how you feel
When you wake up next to me
In sunny November
Tell me, tell me, that it's true
Here and now I'm next to you
Can love be forever?

I gave you all I had
I showed you good and bad
I know you're still just loving my way
You chase my fears away
You want me everyday
You're sunny like a Miami day

Only you can raise me up
Only you can break me down
I'm so in love with you now
I need you around
And I can't believe my eyes
I see your beauty inside
That's why I want you to be mine
For the rest of my beautiful life

I gave you all I had
I showed you good and bad
I know you're still just loving my way
You chase my fears away
You want me everyday
You're sunny like a Miami day

I gave you all I had
I showed you good and bad
I know you're still just loving my way
You chase my fears away
You want me everyday
You're sunny like a Miami day

duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

Click (Camuflaj) & Style da Kid - Praf de stele versuri


Strofa 1 :

Alunecam ca-n drifturi ce scot praf si fum si foc,
Dar alteori ne ridicam ca-n lifturi pana la top
Sa ne puna dop vor,dar o sa-i scot din joc
Mi-ar fi usor,ca langa tine zbor...
Pentru ca stiu ca esti acolo
La fel ca soarele din Hawai
Daca-s prea rece mai stai,
Sa ma-ncalzesti si sa-mi zici ca trece orice

Bridge :

Dar uneori,mintea ta e praf de stele
Ca firele de nisip care devin castele
Si-astept o ploaie care sa spele toate cele
Ca ne-apasa multe si-avem aripile grele

Strofa 2 :

Lovelele,banii gheata ce-ngheata orice constiinta,
Nu ne-au cladit si nu ne-au dat nici o sentinta
Eleganta fiinta,nobila vita
Tu ramai acolo sa ma umpli de credinta.
Am ales compasiunea-n misiunea mea,sacrificii
Vor sparge bezna ca focuri de artificii
Savuram ca picii,clipele ca pe delicii
Ca teama-i arma alba care ne taie din indicii

Mintea mea e praf de stele
Ca firele de nisip care devin castele
Dar esti acolo si-o sa se spele toate cele
Ca ne-apasa multa si-avem aripile grele

Strofa 3 :

Am fost crescuti de mici cu cicatrici , dar cad sa ma ridic
Pe-acelasi trip,pe plaja vietii-mi scriu durerile pe nisip
Sterse,ca de valuri de sufletul tau si de-al tau chip
Ce-nseamna tot cand peste tot,socot ca n-a mai ramas nimic
Cu panzele sus plutim prin zile,
Sa ne-ancoram intr-un ocean de fericire
Chiar dac-apar fire,albe astea-s file de poveste
Crestem impreuna,trecem impreuna peste...

Prafu' de stele ...
Si firele de nisip vor deveni castele
Si vine-o ploaie care-o sa spele toate cele
Ca ne-apasa multe si-avem aripile grele

marți, 28 august 2012

Low Deep T - Casablanca lyrics / versuri

She's the love of my life, Casablanca, enjoy !

She has a beautiful smile
and an incredible style

no matter how long it is been
i can't get her out of my mind, no !

so tell me what do you say
giving myself the blues

i am as well admit to it
i need her back, in my life
life... x 20

i think i left the love of my life

in Casablanca ha !

i've got to buy myself a ticket

got to go there, where ?
Casablanca ha ! hooow !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, howow !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, got to go

there now !

hey, ah !
i think i left the love of my life

in Casablanca ha !

i've got to buy myself a ticket tonight
got to go there, where ?
Casablanca ha ! hoo !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, howow !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, wow wow wow

wowow !

Yeah !

Ho ! i've got a little love
i've come to let my feeling joy

You've been away too long baby
as in the go Man go yeah !

even if it is the last fight, heh !
i've got to leave tonight

i've got no other choice
i need to hear a voice, voice again


i think i left the love of my life

in Casablanca ha !

i've got to buy myself a ticket

got to go there, where ?
Casablanca ha ! hooow !

i've got to buy myself a ticket

got to go there, where ?
Casablanca ha ! hooow !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, ha !

Casa, hey !
You're holding my love, got to go

there now !

hey ! , she's the love of my life
how ! , she's the love of my life
hahaay, i get her back

she's the love of my life
oohow, she's the love of my life
ahay !, i get her back

she's the love of my life

how ! , she's the love of my life
ahay !, i get her back

she's the love of my life
i need her back, i need her back
oh !, i need her back in my life

howow ! Casa
You've got my love now

vineri, 22 iunie 2012

Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Dejame lyrics / versuri

Everywhere I go I never stop to wonder
If I dream or live the real life with you
Now I realise baby you're undercover
And it's time to know what I have to do

Adiós déjame la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale
Adiós marchate la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale

Adiós déjame la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale
Adiós marchate la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale

Cause every wound is healed in time
And it won't matter now for me
Cause everyday you kill my love
You take my love for free
I know it's crazy and you know and you know
I can feel you know s true
I know It's crazy I don't know I don't know what to do

Adiós déjame la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale
Adiós marchate la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale

Everywhere I go I never stop to wonder
If I dream or live the real life with you
Now I realise baby you're undercover
And it's time to know what I have to do

Cause I can feel you like the rain in november
I was looking for my love
With my fire and my passion
Burning deeply in my soul

Adiós déjame la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale
Adiós marchate la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale

Adiós déjame la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale
Adiós marchate la puerta está abierta
Te digo ale ale ale

vineri, 15 iunie 2012

Adultnapper - Idiot Fair feat Black Light Smoke lyrics

I come apart into pieces
and fall apart on the floor
I roll around like mercury
and iIroll right out the door
I try to pull it together
I fall apart so much more
I'll feel so much better
if I don't have to feel anymore

Somebody please try to collect me
I'm so tired, i'm lost and expired
find my head and my body, and try to connect me
with strings and wires, smoke and fire
somebody please, resurrect me
I'm so tired, i'm lost and expired
this is not the ending that i was expecting
with strings and wires, smoke and fire

miercuri, 13 iunie 2012

Dean - Don't Go (produced by Delyno) with lyrics/versuri

Oh mi Radmina, oh no
I'm in love, but you know
Please, my baby, don't go!

You and I
This isn't only for tonight
I wish you try
When the sun is up, we can make it right

I wanna touch your body
Slowly I'll feel your body

Oh mi Radmina, oh no
I'm in love, but you know
Please, my baby, don't go!

Her pretty smile
Can turn into this naughty game
She's new style
I know we'll never be the same

And I need you
Yeah I feel you

miercuri, 23 mai 2012

Heaven - Sunshine [with lyrics]


My music gives me freedom and heals my soul,
I never ever stop when I loose control,
So do it,do it,baby,go dancing like you're crazy,
You're like a sunshine into my soul.

I feel my temperature is raising
'couse, boy, you look amazing,
There's no one hot like you!
I feel you put your arms around me,
My mind is feeling so free,
I'm falling into you...

Come on, come on rock that body,
Come on, come on, everybody,
Get up, get up, dancing hottie,
I wanna feel it tonight!
Come on, come on rock that body,
Come on, come on, everybody,
Get up, get up, dancing hottie,
'couse everything is so right!

My music gives me freedom and heals my soul,
I never ever stop when I loose control,
So do it,do it,baby,go dancing like you're crazy,
You're like a sunshine into my soul.

I'm burning with desire,
'couse, baby,you're my fire,
I'm burning with desire,
For you...

luni, 14 mai 2012

Jimmy Dub - Hotel Fiesta [with lyrics]


Be with you is all I want
Hotel Fiesta
Party till the break of dawn
Hotel Fiesta
Put your hands up everyone
Hotel Fiesta
Dancing till we come undone
Hotel Fiesta

Verse 1:
Sexy girl, with every step you're fliyn' 
Me and you, forever will be shinin'
I won't go, I came to stay forever 
Follow me and never say never!
Everyday we'll fly away and will discover
To bring sunrise in the night and love each other
I can see your heart is mine 
Remember this whole night
It's in your eyes!

Be with you is all I want
Hotel Fiesta
Party till the break of dawn
Hotel Fiesta
Put your hands up everyone
Hotel Fiesta
Dancing till we come undone
Hotel Fiesta

Verse 2:
Sexy girl, with every step you're fliyn'
Me and you, forever will be shinin'
I won't go, I came to stay forever
Follow me and never say never!
Everyday we'll fly away and will discover
To bring sunrise in the night and love each other
I can see your heart is mine
Remember this whole night
It's in your eyes!

Be with you is all I want
Hotel Fiesta
Party till the break of dawn
Hotel Fiesta
Put your hands up everyone
Hotel Fiesta
Dancing till we come undone
Hotel Fiesta

marți, 13 martie 2012

Alessia - Everyday (with lyrics)

We gonna party like nobody everyday
We gonna party like nobody everyday

All night and day, I said everyday
I said everyday, party all night and day
All night and day, I said day

We brought the show, now I'm bringing you the party!
Me and my girls, we just wanna know somebody!
We rock the floor, honey we don't need no money!
My motto is, bring the drinks let's start the party!

Show me now give me some
Give me some love
Why don't you take me down
Down on the floor
I don't care what they say
It's just you and I
So let's party tonight!

All night and day, I said everyday
I said everyday, party all night and day
All night and day, I said everyday
I said everyday, party all night and day

The bass is so low
I don't want you to go
Cuz' we feeling the music baby
My feelings' so deep
All I want is to keep
You closer baby

All night and day, I said everyday
I said everyday, party all night and day
All night and day, I said everyday 
I said everyday, party all night and day

Show me now give me some
Give me some love
Why don't you take me down
Down on the floor
I don't care what they say
It's just you and I
So let's party tonight!

vineri, 9 martie 2012

Chris Thrace - Uh Girl (feat. Glorya) (with lyrics)

I saw you at the party
Standing, drinking Bacardi
You know I'm right behind to love you

Uh girl, you are so sexy
Your moves, looking amazing
My queen, now when you're dancing, dancing

You make me crazy
I won't be too lazy
So wake up, wake up
You know you make me rock
You, you know you make me rock

You are blowing my mind
Let the troubles behind
Be my lover tonight

Let your lips to be mine
Just cross over the line
Let your body feel mine


No time for wasting
It's time for dancing
Take my hand and play
But play it right

It's your moves
That makes me smile
Take my hand and play
Not only for awhile


Prechorus 2:
I just wanna love you more (x4)

sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

Mc Dany & Halas Claus - Falling In Love versuri/ Lyrics

Everything it's so high, when you are here
And I hope you believe I'm falling in love

Everything it's so high, falling in love, falling in love

Everything it's so high, when you are here
And I hope you believe I'm falling in love

Everything it's so high, falling in love, falling in love

Everything it's so high, when you are here
And I hope you believe I'm falling in love

Everything it's so high, falling in love, falling in love

When I dream of you every night
You bring light you bring joy into my life
Everyday I hope that you'll come back

Life is not the same without you by my side
My eyes, they are crying for you every night
Please come back don't let me in the dark

Everything it's so high, when you are here
And I hope you believe I'm falling in love

Everything it's so high, falling in love, falling in love

Everything it's so high, when you are here
And I hope you believe I'm falling in love

Everything it's so high, falling in love, falling in love

When I dream of you every night
You bring light you bring joy into my life
Everyday I hope that you'll come back

Life is not the same without you by my side
My eyes, they are crying for you every night
Please come back don't let me in the dark

vineri, 17 februarie 2012

ALYA - Damelo (Prod. by Allexinno & Starchild) Lyrics

I need you tonight,
Just hold my body tight,
Need your lovin' arms my baby.
Hide me in your love
And give me everything
I want with you tonight,
With you tonight (x3)

Damelo, damelo, damelo, damelo
Damelo, damelo, uh-oh, damelo uh-oh, tu amor,
Damelo, damelo, damelo, damelo
Damelo, damelo, uh-oh, damelo uh-oh.

Contigo yo quiero,
Solo tu sabes
Hacer amor
Todas las noches
Contigo yo quiero,
Solo tu sabes.

Sitting on the sofa, play my thing,
Stereo sound inside your brain
I ain't got no time for messing around
I just wanna hear the crowd.
I got it, you want it
Let's make them sing, yo shout it.
I ain't got no, nobody,
Damelo damelo stop running.

miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

F.Charm feat. Xonia - Alma del alma (with lyrics)


Caliente ritmo
Bailamos alma del alma
Caliente amor yo
Te siento dentro del alma
Caliente ritmo
Bailamos alma del alma - so lovely, lovely love, lovely love
Caliente amor yo
Te siento dentro del alma

Slow down! Special delivery!

How you talk that talk, you do it sweet
Girl you got me blinded
Way you walk that walk, you own the street
I like the way you wind it
I watch you work it, you don't miss a beat
So perfect when you grind it
And without your love I'm incomplete
Babe, come on, let's ride it!
Oh! Got to give me some more
Got, got, got to give me some more
Let's go, work it on the dancefloor
Work, work, work it on the dancefloor
Oh no! Got to give me some more
Got, got, got to give me some more
Let's roll, you're moving out of control, control!

Chorus x2

Yeah! You work it, work it, work it
Go crazy girl till the morning
Wind it, wind it, wind it
So freakin' hot cuz' you're naughty
Pon me, pon me, pon me
I'm fallin' in love with your body
The way you grind it, grind it, grind it
Oh! Oh! Got to give me some more
Got, got, got to give me some more
Let's go, work it on the dancefloor
Work, work, work it on the dancefloor
Oh no! Got to give me some more
Got, got, got to give me some more
Let's roll, you're moving out of control, control

Chorus x2

Girl you know, you know, you know
Call on me and I'll be by your side
So lovely, lovely love, lovely love
Boy I know, I know, I know
You blow my mind like dynamite, dynamite
We go so deep'n'em'up, deep'n'em'up, yeah!
Deep'n'em'up, deep'n'em'up, yeah!
That's right
So deep'n'em'up, deep'n'em'up, yeah!
Deep'n'em'up, deep'n'em'up, yeah!
You got me going crazy

Chorus x2

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Sonny Flame - Sale el Sol (with lyrics)

Blaze up the fire

Y cuando sale el sol
Yo siento tu calor
Me vuelvo loco yo
ela ela ela
Y cuando sale el sol
Yo quiero tu amor
Recuerdo el sabor
ela ela ela

Right 'ya noh hey, move your body!
Once again, come everybody
Feel the rhythm inside,
Dance all day, all night! - bis

Woman, let's drink a tequila!
Common' babe, just burn di weed ah!
You're like a fire light
I'm loving the way you feel like,
Get up! Get up! Get up, you're blazing!
I got you now, there's no escaping
You're like a fire light, I'm loving the way you make it!

Y cuando sale el sol
Yo siento tu calor
Me vuelvo loco yo
ela ela ela
Y cuando sale el sol
Yo quiero tu amor
Recuerdo el sabor
ela ela ela

Right 'ya noh hey, move your body!
Once again, come everybody
Feel the rhythm inside,
Dance all day all night - bis

Woman, let's drink a tequila!
Common' babe, just burn di weed ah!
You're like a fire light
I'm loving the way you feel like,
Get up! Get up! Get up, you're blazing!
I got you now, there's no escaping
You're like a fire light, I'm loving the way you make it!

Caminando corriendo en mi vida
Si te encuentro abrazame no mas
Caminando coriendo en mi vida
Un calor como el tuyo no hay mas

chorus x2

marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

Fly Project Cheyenne

La inceput te-a prins,
Prea tare te-a atins
Te las sa poti visa
Stii ca va continua
Ti-am dat si soarele,
Ti-am dat si ploile
Traieste noptile,
Viseaza zilele.


Hai, alearga-ma !
Oboseste-ma !
Hai, viseaza-ma !
Depaseste-ma !
Hai si striga-ma !
Pregateste-ma !
Hai, instïga-ma !
Urmareste-ma !